Saturday, February 12, 2022

Welcome to the Word Kettle!

This is the "light" site of Affordable Manuscript Assessments. It's a good first port of call for new clients or returning clients who want just the facts.  If you want the original full site, which has FAQ and lots more links, go here

To access writing courses, go to  Wordkettle Writing Courses

maniaT manuscript assessment editor Australia Tasmanian

Below you'll see:

  • A list of what services we offer including costs.
  • Clear instructions for accessing services.
          A list of coded jobs and their status.

Services we offer (all prices are in AUD)

We offer manuscript assessment at the following rates. $26.00 for the first 5000 words or part thereof.  Any picture book text or short piece under 5000 words will be $26.00 unless it is longer than 600 words and is in rhyme, in which case it may be $36.00, depending on how much work I need to do to fix the scansion.

$16.00 for each 9000 words or part thereof after that. 

We offer editing at the following rates. 

Tier One (for jobs that are in good condition)

$26.00 for the first 3000 words or part thereof (unless as above- it's a long rhyming text).

$16.00 for each 3500 words following.

Combo; assessment + editing costs the same as editing plus $16.

For more information see Here 

Proofreading  or Beta reading same cost as assessment.

Tier Two- this kicks in after June 30th 2024- (for jobs with systemic problems. These include random tense changes throughout, and/or severe spelling and sentence structure problems in which at least half the sentences on any given page need to be changed.)

$40.00 for the first 3000 words or part thereof.

$25.00 for each 3500 words following.

Unsure whether your job is Tier One or Tier Two? Send me five pages for analysis.

Instructions for accessing services

1. Send your manuscript as a Word attachment. Do NOT send PDFs or Pages docs. 

2. Set up the manuscript as follows. 

TNR 12, double spaced. 

If fiction, use indented paragraphs with NO space underneath. 

3. Send the attachment to affatheeditor @  (close up the gaps) with a header stating what you want; query, edit, assessment or combo.  OR to sallybyname @

4. In the body of the email, tell me who you are, and what service you need. I will send you a receipt of job with a code which you can follow on this site. When the job is done, you will receive an invoice with clear payment instructions. 

Invoices are 60 days.

Interest free extensions and part payment schemes are available upon request.

Timeframe varies. Jobs are done when the site says they're done.

Existing Jobs and Progress

The jobs below are logged into the system for 2023/24. Match the code you were given in your receipt  email to the code on your job. Once done, it will go blue and say INVOICED. Once paid, it will  go red and say PAID.

Red jobs have been paid for.

Blue jobs have been invoiced.

Black jobs are pending or in progress.

Pink jobs have been prebooked.

Contact: affatheeditor @  (close up the spaces)

Telephone 0417 1165 69 Use this only if you get no response on email. 

JULY 2023

KSUS paid dd 22/07/23 AMA KSUS 220723/ PCX6 paid dd 23/07/23 AMA PCX6 230723/ CFX3COMBO paid dd 24/07/23 AMA CFX3COMBO 240723/ JKE paid dd 27/07/23 AMAJKE270723/ ALETNEW paid dd 08/08/23 AMAALETNEW080823/ ALLSH paid dd 08/08/23 AMAALLSH080823/ JHX4 paid 22/07/23 AMAJHX4220823/EKSMLMERMAID paid 29/08/23 AMAEKSMLMERMAID290823/ SBROM paid dd 18/09/23 AMASBROM180923/ RBCOMBO paid 25/09/23 AMARBCOMBO250923/ AHFHE paid dd 28/09/23 AMA AHFHE280923/ GWEFH paid dd 04/08/23 AMAGWEFH040823/ KCMMP paid 14/10/23 AMAKCMMP141023
MLBF invoiced 29/11/23 1st payment 04/01/24 AMAMLBF1st040124 2nd Payment 10/02/24 AMAMLBF2nd100224, 3rd payment AMAMLBF3rd020424



LCGWW paid pp 07/08/23 AMALCGWW070823
JLOS paid dd 10/08/23 AMAJLOS100823
RVAL paid dd 10/08/23 AMARVAL00823
GCWM paid dd 08/08/23 AMAGCWM080823
AT20 paid pp 22/08/23 AMAAT20220823
ALMI paid dd 26/08/23 AMAALMI260823
DGRF paid dd 18/09/23 AMADGRF180927
​LBSH paid dd 25/10/23 AMALBSH251023
HDDP paid dd 28/10/23 AMAHDDP281023
CMPPPPS paid o7/01/24 AMACMPPPPS070124



DWAFNEW paid 14/09.23 AMADWAFNEW140923
ALSSM paid dd 16/09/23 AMAALSSM160923
TCXW paid pp 17/09/23 AMATCXW170923
CDWATER paid dd 22/09/23 AMACDWATER220923
AKSX2 paid dd 11/09/23 AMAAKSX2110923
JLWISH paid dd 16/09/23 AMAJKWISH140923
ALETHEL paid dd 18/09/23 AMAALETHEL180923
BHLM paid dd 24/10/23 AMABHLM241023
SBajX2 paid dd 26/10/23 AMASBajX2261023
GQDTD paid pp 09/11/23 AMADTD091123
APRRRA paid pp 11/01/24 AMAAPRRRA1and2110124

DBGP2 invoiced 02/10/23
JPONY invoiced 16/10/23
STORM1 invoiced 06/01/24


AT21 paid pp 2/10/23 AMAAT21021023
MUZS paid 17/10/23 AMAMUZS171023
DBGP3 paid dd 20/10/23 AMAGDBGP3201023
DBGP2 paid 04/10/23 AMADBGP2041023
SSQUICK- paid dd 10/10/23 AMASSQUICK101023
PUDBH paid 23/10/23 AMAPUDBH231023
RIDC paid dd 01/12/23 AMARIDC011223
TOOBAD paid dd 18/01/24 AMATOOBAD180124
EDMAR paid dd 20/01/24 AMAEDMAR200124

SSBCHG paid 29/11/23 AMASSBCHG292223
AMFP for combo 10/11/23


RFMS 08/12/23 paid dd 13/12/24 AMARFMS131223
CGJLA paid dd 29/12/24 AMACGJLA290124

January 2024

JPSL paid 07/01/24 AMACMPPPPS070124
KHTG paid dd 12/01/24 AMA KHTG120124
EKEF paid dd 19/01/24 AMAEKEF190124
AHFHA paid dd 21/01/24 AMAAHFHA220124
CMIG paid pp AMACMIG230124
ERTT paid dd 23/01/24 AMAERTT230124

WLOC paid dd 31/01/24 AMAWLOC310124
KTPH paid 09/02/24 AMAKTPH090224
STTPK paid 12/02/24 AMASTTPK120224
JWBWW paid dd 12/02/24 AMAJWBWW130224
DCSE paid dd 14/02/24 AMADCSE140224
ALGI invoiced 11/01/24

GWIT paid 17/02/24 AMAGWIT170224

February 2024
SSGDC paid dd 05/02/24 AMASSGDC050224
ERLBF paid dd 06/02/24 AMAERLBF060224
CMGG paid pp 07/02/24 AMACMGG070224
KMEENEW paid 09/02/24 AMAKMEENEW091224
KHHBG paid dd 12/02/24 AMAKHHBG120224
GMOD paid 12/02/24 AMAGMOD140224
ERLBF2 paid dd 26/02/24 AMAERLBF2260224

ERTS paid 26/02/24 AMAERTS260224
SSPFB paid dd 01/03/24 AMASBPFB010324
AMFPNEW paid dd 2/03/24AMAAMFPNEW020324

NMAW paid up in full 26/04/24 AMA NMAW260424

TKBD paid pp 21/03/24 AMATKBD210324
DGMC paid dd 28/02/24 AMADGMC280324
​SCPPPP paid dd 04/04/24 AMASCPPPP040424
TLIF paid 12/02/24 AMATLIF150224
MDIB invoiced 05/03/24
MAAW paid dd 20/03/24. AMAMAAW200324


EKKL paid dd 20/03/24 AMAEKKL200324
PCX3 paid dd 20/03/24 AMAPCX3200324
MDIW paid dd 25/93.24 AMAMDIW250324
SBOB paid dd 29/03/24 AMASBOB290324
JPNEW paid dd 02/04/24
PDDDZ paid dd 15/04/24 AMAPDDDZ150424
DWBB paid dd 27/04/24 AMADWBB270424
CFSA paid dd 27/04/24 AMACFSA270424
NDA paid dd 02/05/24 AMANDA020524
KTIGnew paid dd 10/05/24 ​ AMAKTIGNEW100524
SACC paid 14/05/24 AMASACC140524
HMWCHEE paid 03/05/24 AMAHMWCHEE030524
DBVW paid 17/05/24 AMADBVW170524

SSYAL paid 03/04/24 AMASSYAL030424
PTWFD paid 17/04/24 AMAPTWFD170424
PC3NEW paid dd 26/04/2 AMAPC3NEW260424
AWATG paid dd 14/05/24 AMAAWATG140524
GPSTORY paid 16/05/24 AMAGPSTORY160524
GMLF paid dd 20/05/24 AMAGMLF200524
ERYT paid dd 27/05/24 AMAERYT270524

RFNNC paid 07/05/24 AMARFNNC070524
VBF paid d 16/05/24 AMAVBF160524
VBABB paid dd 29/05/24 AMAVBABB290524
SPX2 paid dd 31/05/24 AMASPX2310524
RIDC2 paid dd 02/06/24 AMARIDC2020624
DBVBT paid dd 30/05/24 AMADBVBT300524
HWSTORY paid dd 04/06/24 AMAHWSTORY040624
WGCA paid dd 10/06/24 AMAWGCA100624
MLWPF for combo 10/05/24 ON PAUSE
MAAWNEW invoiced 07/05/24
MDND Paid 22/05/25 AMAMDND220524
TLST invoiced 29/05/24 part payment 28/08/24 AMATLSTpart280824
KCNCF paid 25/06/24 AMAKCNCF250624
CEBI paid 14/06/24 AMACEBI140624

PUM paid dd 21/06/24 AMAPUM210624
PCEMJ paid dd 21/06/24 AMAPCEMJ210624
JCML paid dd 21/06/24 AMAJCML210624
JCMLS paid dd 21/06/24 AMAJCMLS210624
RVX3 paid dd 06/07/24 AMARVX3060724
JLPM paid dd 14/06/24 AMAJLPM140624
VBPPPP paid dd 29/06/24 AMAVBPPPP290624

JULY 2024
AHLCCC Paid dd 06/07/24 AMAAHLCCC060724
DWST paid 24/07/24 dd AMADWSC240724
NBMMD paid dd 25/07/24 AMANBMMD250724
BBHB paid dd 24/07/ AMABBHB240724
JCNEW paid 28/07/24 AMAJCNEW280724
GMLT invoiced 23/07/24
DWST invoiced 24/07/24

AOSPP. paid 23/08/24 AMAAOSPP230824
BHWT paid 06/09/24 AMABHWT060924
ALXXX paid 17/08/24 AMAALXXX170924
SB40 - paid Sep. AMASB40DDSEP
BHWT paid dd 06/0924  AMABHWT060924
WAQCMS paid dd 10/09/24 AMAWAQCMS100924
AKSDGB paid dd 16/09/24 AMAAKSDGB160924
AB3 paid dd 17/09/24 AMAAB3170924
BMMBGC for combo 28/08/24

DGCCA  invoiced 22/09/24

EKQUICK paid dd 03/09/24 AMAEKQUICK030924
SSWAB invoiced 03/09/24
CMBWQ paid pp 04/09/24 AMACMBWQ040924
DWABD paid dd 18/09/24 AMADWABD180924
TLJOB sent 10/09/24
BennyNew invoiced 16/09/24

BCPMP Invoiced 20 /09/24

October 20 booking
SSP invoiced 07/10/24
JHEF for combo 08/10/24

Welcome to the Word Kettle! This is the "light" site of Affordable Manuscript Assessments. It's a good first port of call for ...